In accordance with Legislative Decree 24/2023, Montecolino S.P.A has decided to equip itself with a system for managing reports: WHISTLEBLOWING, adopting an infrastructure designed to guarantee reports in a safe and trusted environment, which will be managed by authorized persons only adopting all safety measures.

Reports can be made not only by employees, but also by self-employed workers, collaborators, freelancers, consultants, suppliers, trainees, volunteers, shareholders and members of control and supervisor.

Reports must exclusively concern illicit conduct and irregularities and cannot therefore be used for complaints of personal nature of the employment relationship.
Anonymous reports will be processed only if they are detailed and full of evidence in order to verify their reliability.
The report of illegal conduct can be made using the appropriate web platform accessible at the following dedicated link.











Via Stazione Vecchia, 110 25050
Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) – Italy

+39 030 983361