Sustainability Investments:

  • Photovoltaic Systems: Montecolino first installed a 255 kWp photovoltaic system in 2011, followed by a second system at their Trezzano sul Naviglio logistics warehouse in 2015. The company is about to install a new 744 kWp photovoltaic system at their main headquarters, which will cover about 18% of their electricity needs.
  • Technology to Reduce Energy Consumption per Unit Produced: At the end of 2023, a drying line was installed, saving at least 50% of thermal energy per square meter produced and around 30% of total energy per square meter produced.
  • Energy Audits: As an energy-intensive company, Montecolino conducted its first energy audit in 2019 and a second one in 2023, including the installation of an automatic monitoring system to continuously evaluate its energy behavior.
  • First Rainwater Collection: In 2025, Montecolino will install a first rainwater collection tank in the latex unloading and storage area to prevent any contamination of natural ditches running along the company perimeter in case of spillages.
  • Bat and Birdhouses: In agreement with the TORBIERE DEL SEBINO NATURE RESERVE MANAGEMENT BODY, Montecolino will install bat boxes and birdhouses during the planting of local flora.
  • Recycling Bins: Montecolino supplied Fiera Milano with and installed internally recycling bins made partly from recycled materials, including second-hand raw material from carpet recovered from major Italian fairs.
  • Drinking Water Dispensers: In 2024, 3 dispensers were installed and aluminum water bottles were distributed to all employees to reduce plastic bottle usage.
  • Corporate Welfare: For years, Montecolino, following a second-level agreement, has decided to provide every employee with a daily meal voucher.
  • Gym Discounts: From 2024, Montecolino agreed on a discount with the Unika gym for its employees to encourage them to engage in physical activity.





Via Stazione Vecchia, 110 25050
Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) – Italy

+39 030 983361