Charity and sponsorships

Cultural and sporting initiatives
Our Company decided to support sporting events that embody our values and spirit through several activities.
Since many years we empower ASD Atletica Franciacorta that every year organizes “Proai Gölem”, a race up to the local mountain that start from the little town of Provaglio d’Iseo where Montecolino is located, up to the peak of “Monte Guglielmo” through a path of 30 kilometers with an elevation gain of 2.400 meters.
Link to the running event:

Always within running field, since 2021 Montecolino supported the initiative “Keep Clean and Run For Peace”, an ecologic marathon that this year reached the 10Th Edition. During this marathon the runner Roberto Cavallo together with other seven athletes collect abandoned garbage and try to raise awareness into the communities they run through.
Through a crowfunding campaign to which Montecolino took part, this initiative was featured in a Docu-film that has been awarded from international film festivals like Multi Dimension Independent Film Festival, California Indies, Cannes International Cinema Festival, Vegas Shorts, SIFF – Switzerland International Film Festival.
Link to the event:

In the Eco-running context, Montecolino is also the technical sponsor of “World Plogging Championship” since the 1st Edition of 2021.
Plogging is a new athletic activity which consists in running while collecting waste. Its name comes from the Swedish runner Erik Ahlström and joins the word “plocka upp” that in Swedish means “collecting” and “jogging”.
The final ranking awards the athletes according to the covered distance, elevation gain and the avoided environmental impact converting all the collected rubbish into equivalent carbon monoxide.
“Free Bike Erbusco” is another amateur association supported by Montecolino and it is subsidiary of CSI (Italian Sport Center) and ASI (Italian Sport and Social Associations recognized by CONI).
Its purpose is to train new cycling champions in the name of security and fun.

The association philosophy can be summed up in one sentence: “Not everyone has the confidence to become a champion but it’s certain that everybody could have this ambition and can cultivate their passions”.
The trainers are the best of the province and have years of experience and skills in the cycling scene.
There’s no finer job for them than to grow new generations of athletes and share their passion.
Those who want to cycle nowadays have to rely on professionals and “Free Bike Erbusco” is for sure one of the associations that can really provide this security.
In the cycling field, since 2012 Montecolino also supports the international competition “Gimondi Bike” that since 2023 changed its name into “La Dario Aquaroli”.
This event path covers our territory of Franciacorta, over the years this race has proven to be the ambassador of values like loyalty, good competition, togetherness and respect for the nature.

Cultural and environmental activities
Since 2021 Montecolino decided to sponsor “Circonomia”, a festival dedicated to circular economy and green transition.
“Circular Economy” means to produce goods and offer services by replenishing residual production materials into the eco-systems (biodegradability) or economically revaluating them (re-use, recycle and recovery).
But circular economy is much more than eliminate or drastically reducing waste production, it’s a completely new vision of a radically renewed economy that goes beyond the traditional conflict between financial interests and environmental concern, an economy with an ecological footprint.
In the circular dimension, the economy and the environment aren’t incompatible anymore but they become two complementary declinations of a wider and precisely a “circular” welfare concept.

In 2023 Montecolino decided to support also photography with “Noi, Qui”, the IV Edition of a photo exhibition that whereas during Bergamo-Brescia as cultural capitals, wants to put the focus on the human being and its values, with twelve international exhibitions.
This event wants to narrate the vulnerability as strength, the culture as a cure, the courage, the resilience, the integration, the search of a better future, the solidarity, the meaning of community as well as redemption. “Noi, Qui” wants to find a possible way to change the turn of events reconsidering the value system and improving the planet we live in.

Social solidarity
Since years Montecolino decided to help the initiative “I Bambini Delle Fate” for the social integration.
“I Bambini Delle Fate” is a social company that since 2005 provides the financial support for inclusion projects managed by partners and local associations in favor of families with autistic and disabled members.
The association involves several companies, business activities and individuals in a fundraising that allows every supporter to finance a project on their own territory and to benefit of ethical and fiscal perks, along with social communication.

Solidarity with employment creation
For some specific services Montecolino decided to lean on local facilities that are committed to help people in need.
We specifically signed a multi-year agreement with “Integra Cooperativa Sociale Onlus” that thank to the convention of art.14 DLGS 276/2003 model, allows hiring disabled people at work.
Thanks to these agreements the type B social co-operatives get work orders from companies covered by the obligation of recruiting people according to the law 68/69.
The customer company seeking to rely of this facility, signing a contract with Brescia Province – Disabled Dedicated Employment Office with the common aim of job integration for people with disabilities.

Initiatives to spread a sustainable culture Our effort in the context of Net Zero Carbon Event motivated us to start a concept whereby sharing our experiences we inspire a change in the exhibitions scene with the goal to improve the sustainability of the whole industry.
So far our opportunities to share our experiences were as follows:

• Event Industry Show 2019
• 2 dicembre 2022 – Nuovi Modelli Organizzativi e Strumenti per il Re-manufacturing e il Riuso – Politecnico di Milano – Campus Bovisa
• Presentazione Settimana Europea per la Riduzione dei Rifiuti 2022, Ecomondo
• Euro Shop 2023
• Economia Circolare e Digitalizzazione un binomio vincente, Camera di Commercio della Romagna Forlì-Cesena e Rimini
• XVIII Asap Service Management Forum Servitization & Circular Economy
• Economia Circolare: opportunità e strumenti per aumentare la competitività e la sostenibilità aziendale – Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico
• Ecomondo Mexico 2023
• Innovazione a 360 gradi – ASAP Service Management Forum
• Plast 2023 -Opening Ceremony
• Brescia Futura Expo 2023 – Quanto sono circolari le aziende in Italia?
• 27 novembre 2023 Un Futuro Intelligente Mercato Coperto di Giubiasco – Svizzera
• Expo Summit 2024 Aspec – La sostenibilidad integrada en la estrategia de la compania
• Design for Circularity” presso il Dipartimento ABC del Politecnico di Milano speech at the lesson of Prof.ssa Serena Giorgi

Co-athors of “Rapporto di Filiera edizione 2021 – L’economia circolare nelle filiere industriali: il caso Plastiche realizzato dal Gruppo di lavoro 4 – Catene di valore sostenibili e circolari” di ICESP
“Smart Production and Waste Management Guidance” in Dicembre 2023 at Net Zero Carbon Event
“Economia circolare e nuovi scenari per il settore delle costruzioni – Modelli organizzativi e pratiche di riuso e re manufacturing nel comparto del terziario” edited by Cinzia Maria Luisa Talamo – Franco Angeli Editor

Activities of sharing industrial experiences to develop a sustainability culture
Members of work group ICESP 4 “Catene di Valore Sostenibili e circolari”,
Subgroup “Costruzioni e demolizioni”
Subgroup “Tessile, abbigliamento e moda”
Subgroup “Plastiche”
Members of work group “ICESP 5 Città e Territorio Circolare”
Members of work group “ICESP 6 Buone Pratiche Approcci Integrati”
Members of group “Smart Production and Waste Management” at Net Zero Carbon Event

Prizes and awards
On January 2020 Vip Card at Fiera Milano for the project of “Economia Circolare” created by Montecolino for the focus on the environment and towards the sustainability policies close to “Fiera Milano” awareness
On February 2020 1st place at IDIA (IFES Development Innovation Award)
On October 2020 ICESP (Italian Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform) put Montecolino tra le Buone pratiche di Economia Circolare
On January 2021 ECESP (European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform) placed Montecolino into the Italian companies with the best circular procedures
On March 2021 1st place Inside De CBF (Circular Business Framework) Best Practice Example Champion Circular Design Strategies Recycle
On June 2021 Montecolino has been mentioned at “Examples for best practices in the 2021 UFI Sustainable Development Award”
On December 2021 Montecolino ranked at 3rd place at the National Competion of “Best Performer dell’Economia Circolare 2020/2021” hosted Confindustria
On November 2022 the award of “Retex Green” for European Week for Waste Reduction – Circular & Sustainable Textiles
On February  2023 ranked at “Fabbrica del Futuro per la Sostenibilità da Confindustria Brescia” during Bergamo-Brescia capital of corporate 2023
March 9th 2023 Montecolino became one of the Green Heroes
June 2023 2nd place for the project announced alongside Fiera Milano at “Ufi Sostainable Development Award” for the innovative program around stand – fitting
June 2024 1st place at UFI Industry Partners Award for the project presented together with Fiera Milano and Nolostand: “Best for the example of sustainability integration into business proposals”





Via Stazione Vecchia, 110 25050
Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) – Italy

+39 030 983361